Saturday 31 March 2012

Facebook planning new search engine.........>

Social networking giant Facebook is reportedly planning to create a new search engine which would help people to navigate on the website better.

A Bloomberg Businessweek report said the firm has deployed two-dozen Facebook engineers onto the ambitious project, which aims to improve the search engine currently available on the social network.

According to the report, the project is led by former Google engineer Lars Rasmussen.

The magazine's unnamed sources said that the project is "to help users better sift through the volume of content that members create on the site, such as status updates, and the articles, videos, and other information across the Web that people "like" using Facebook's omnipresent thumbs-up button".

According to The Telegraph, Facebook has done very little to improve its search engine, which currently lets people find other users, brands, status updates and some wider web results, through a long-standing partnership with Microsoft's search engine, Bing.

It has yet to properly focus its attention on the small search engine box situated at the top of each users' page.

Meanwhile, Facebook has declined to comment on the matter.

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