Sunday, 21 August 2011

Google's weather reporting on Gmap.....>

Now if you are trying or planning for a trip and often get caught a bad weather on the way of your trip and frustrated very much but from now the way will be cleared of your trip because of google weather layer service. We all know that google is very careful of their users and provides those service to them that are really needed in real life also.

Google has introduced a weather layer on Gmap to get updated of various cities weather and forecast condition. You can get known to those cities weather condition where you wanna go for a trip or for any purpose. This service shows current temps and condition around the globe.

For weather info you need to click weather button by hovering to the widget in the right hand corner of google map, users can see weather info on the map itself.

When you will zoom out anything on the map it will show different weather icons denoting sun,cloud,rainy etc. and if you look closely you will get noted that whether it's day or night.

By clicking on weather icon on any city will open an info window with detailed data like current humidity and wind conditions. Users can also adjust units for wind speed and temperature, and enable/disable clouds.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Good bye to Google dictionary.......>

Google has stopped its dictionary service and added all features of dictionary service to its search engine. Google have lot of services that are used worldwide by its users like google picasa,youtube,google images,google maps etc. Google dictionary is also one of its services but not now because google has killed dictionary service, from further now all google users can use or find their words meaning etc using google search engine.

site currently shows a message that reads " Google dictionary is no longer available" and asks users to use google web search for definitions or google translation service for translating purpose.

if wanna find any word definition use define tag and then your word then press enter like if you wanna search meaning of "exalt" then type define: exalt and press enter,you will be provided the definition of your searched term or word.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Google '+' a hard hit to Facebook

The search giant Google has introduced a new social networking site called "Google+". Before few days ago Google+ has entered into social networking world letting Zuckerberg to consider about it. In just three week Google+ got over 20 million visits where Facebook had waited three years to get over 20 million users. This service is currently in a developing stage and released only on invitation basis to join. Google+ got most visits from U.S.A and INDIA has got second ranking of most visits to Google+.
So, what it contains different than other social sites which makes it so special for social users. let's see about it's features

1> Circles : In this feature of Google+ you gonna make various circle group where people or amigos are placed to their type of circle. the circle can be type of business,school,college,family etc. there are by default four circles as friends,family,acquaintance,and following. you can also make various circles of various types. using this feature you can share anything only to a particular circle or the chosen circle by you. it means that the thing you share with particular circles people will not be shared into another types of circle.

2> Hangouts : It is a group video chat service that allows you to live chat with your group. this feature is being mostly discussed by social users. In the coming days it will be used to communicate at business level,educational level,for social discussions etc, rather than paying to video call to the various services. 'Hangouts' seems to be targeting the market currently occupied by Microsoft's latest purchase, Skype.

3> Sparks : This is the feature about getting update of your interested stuffs over internet. only you have to do is type what you are interested in,news,topics etc and add those to spark. 'Sparks' identifies links from individuals and organizations which might be of interest. Currently, the feature doesn't incorporate suggestions from people the user follows, which makes it a less engaging aspect than Google perhaps intended.

4> Huddle : This is a group messaging app which supports android O.S and iphone. also windows phone seven is entering into market with this app. In this app user interface has been improved and can be used to huddle many circles to huddle chat.

5> Instant Upload : using this feature you can upload your photos,videos,updates, with faster uploading. you can also add your location update etc.

T.O.S of Google+ : In the terms of services of google it is said that " to give you better experience Google plus will hold an eye on your all information,update and whatever they needed to know. so, this is the privacy breach of your secret information. so take this issue in your account when using Google+.

Annon plus : The hackers have got their aim against other social sites, their is news that hackers are developing their social site called Annon plus. they are saying there will be full anonymity of users, no censorship etc.

Whatever it is when Google+ will appear in full clothes it will be judged by common users and even by experts also. will it be good enough or better than that for those who loved facebook very much ? It will be cleared in coming days.